Saturday, November 28, 2009

Diary Syndrome

So, I know I haven't written in awhile and I could go on and on with all the reasons why, but ultimately I think it's that whole 'diary syndrome.' What is 'diary syndrome' you ask? Well have you ever tried keeping a journal or diary? You start off with the greatest intentions, and in the beginning you write constantly, but slowly life takes over and you forget all about your grandiose plans to write daily/weekly/monthly/.

So yeah, life has taken over and  this blog has suffered. Although I don't even know if  "suffered" is the correct word to use. For it to have "suffered" that implies that there was something there from the beginning and I'm not so sure that 2 posts count. I don't even really know what to do with this blog anyway. I think my original intention was to write about makeup but that's not really the plan anymore. My interest in makeup has kind of waned recently. School is kicking my ass and makeup just feels a little superfluous at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I still wear it almost daily but its not the fun hobby it was in the summer. Now its just a part of the daily routine I undertake to become acceptable for society.

What am I doing right now? It's Friday night and I'm at home listening to John Mayer's latest album Battle Studies. Specifically the track titled "Edge of Desire." Now this probably makes me sound like some sad sap sitting at home listening to songs about unrequited love but I'm not. I mean yes, I'm sitting at home listening to a song about unrequited love but I'm not sad. Sometimes its nice to sit out the odd Friday night and just chill, and if that happens to be while listening to sappy love songs, well so be it. I know that society expects us to be doing something all the time, but I feel like its only in those quiet moments that everything really comes together. If you don't ever take time out to pause, reflect and just 'be' you start to lose your place. Life just becomes a series of moments. We need time out every once in awhile.

Mmmm, so this post has become a bit of ramble. I think that was the problem with my last blog as well. I remember reading it back and it just felt like an incoherent mess. I was embarrassed and deleted it, and now I feel like this blog is falling into the same trap. It's my fault of course, I have a tendency to go off on tangents....digressions if you will. Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I don't feel like I should be apologizing for the state of my posts. If you're reading a blog called Nonsensical Digressions you can't really expect neat, ordered thoughts. Think of the title as a big, flashing, neon disclaimer.

Well, I think this has been sufficiently long and pointless. I hope anyone who stumbles across has been mildly amused. I promise that my next post will have some sort of direction. I mean don't expect bullet points and sub headings, but there will be a topic, that I can assure. So till next time, whenever that is!

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